Professional Research Opportunities And Conferences Concerning Transportation Innovation / Vehicular Engineering
for Ground Transportation with Unusual Propulsion Systems or Unusual Guideways (plus some coverage of competing more-conventional systems, and also self-driving vehicles)
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Associations and their Journals
“Battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles for the public to drive today.”
Plug In America
Electric Drive Transportation Association
“Promoting electric drive technologies and infrastructure”
Electric Auto Association
“Promoting Electric Vehicles Since 1967”
Electric Auto Association
Global Electric-Vehicle Association
Global EV Alliance
“… of National Electric Drivers’ Associations from Around the Globe”
How we are organized
Contact Page
International Energy Agency
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology Collaboration Programme
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology Collaboration Programme
All. Autom. Innov.
Alliance for Automotive Innovation
propelling the unprecedented innovation that will make our lives better.
Our Members
Contact Page
Electric Mobility Canada
Accelerating Electric Transportation
Electric Mobility Canada
Electric Mobility Canada
Electrification Coalition
Accelerate the Adoption of Plugin Electric Vehicles to improve our National and Economic Security.
PlugVolt: Batteries and Energy Storage, Webinars, Seminars, and Courses
Recorded Webinars
World Electric Vehicle Association
Association for European Transport

International Maglev Board
International Maglev Board
INCOSE: International Council on Systems Engineering
“…champions the art, science, discipline, and practice of systems engineering.”
Contact Page
International Council on Systems Engineering
Washington, DC  chapter  (has emphasis on transportation)

Energy and Environment
Rocky Mountain Institute
Reinventing Fire
“… to create a clean, prosperous, and secure … future.”
Center for Sustainable Energy
“Accelerting the Transition to a Sustainable World Powered by Clean Energy”
Apply to Receive Newsletter
Center for Sustainable Energy
Caret – platform for designing and optimizing EV incentive programs
Blue-Green alliance
“Good Jobs, Clean Environment, Green Economy”

Major Engineering organizations
Society of Automotive Engineers

SAE Vehicle Electrification Magazine
Society of Automotive Engineers
Student Events
Training and Education (Classroom / Online / On‑Demand)
Your Destination for Mobility Engineering Resources
Consolidated Calls for Papers
Events  •  Journals  •  Open Call (Original Works)
Transp. Research Board
Transportation Research Board
TRB Calendar of Events
Recorded Webcasts
TRB Newsletter: Search or Subscribe
TRB’s Data and IT
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
100 Years – Moving Ideas: Advancing Society
Transp. Research Board 100 Years
TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility Services
Video: Your Future in Transportation (YouTube 5:39)
Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS)
Guide to Research in Progress (RiP) Database (.pdf 28 pp.)
Webinar Video (Vimeo 1:00:50)
Searching TRID for TRB Publications (Vimeo 6:40)
IEEE – The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE Transp. Electriication
IEEE Transportation Electrification Community
Conferences and Workshops
Career Center
eLearning Courses (over 20 courses avail.)
IEEE Power Electronics Society
IEEE Power Electronics Society
IEEE Veh. Tech. Soc.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Facebook Page
IEEE Systems Council
IEEE Syst. Coun.
IEEE Intel. Transp. Systems Society
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society

Intelligent/Autonomous Transportation Systems
(see also IEEE VTS and ITSS, above)
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society of America
Newsletter Subscription (“Highly Recommended”)
Intel. Transp. Syst. Soc. of Canada
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society of Canada
ERTICO Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Europe

Connected Automated Driving
Connected Automated Driving (News Board)

Projects and Research
Autonomous Vehicle International

Autonomous Vehicle International
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems

Description, Events, Publication
Intelligent Transport Systems Asia-Pacific
ITS Asia-Pacific
ITS Australia     ITS Hong Kong     ITS Japan     ITS Korea     ITS Malaysia     ITS New Zealand     ITS Singapore     ITS Taiwan     ITS Thailand

PRT / Pods Associations
Advance Transit Association
Advance Transit Association

“Leveraging advanced transit to improve mobility”

“New frontiers of mobility in the digital age.” / Harris Blvd.
“Innovative Mobility in the Era of Automation.”

The Monorail Society

“This unique method of transportation is NOT just for theme parks and zoos!”
Monorail Society
International Monorail Association
International Monorail Association

“The interest in monorails continues at an all time high”

Conventional High-Speed Rail
US High-Speed-Rail Association
“21st Century Transportation for America”
BiModal Glideway (detail)
High Speed Rail Alliance
“Fast, Frequent, and Affordable”
What is High-Speed Rail?
What We Do
Get Involved

Educational & Research Institutions
University of Washington – TRAC
“Providing research and data about transportation for informed decisions”
U of Wash TRAC
“Maglev Quicklinks”
Texas A&M Transp. Inst.
“Saving Lives, Time, and Resources”
Illinois Green Economy Network
(A Community College Partnership)
“Working Together to Grow a Greener Economy for Illinois”
University of Michigan
Transportation Research Institute
Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation
UMTRI, U. of Michigan
Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis
Innovative Mobility Research, UC Berkeley
University of California – Berkeley
“Innovative Mobility Research”
North Carolina State University
NC Clean Energy Technology Center
Advancing Clean Energy for a Sustainable Economy
NCSU Clean Tech
University of Central Florida
EVTC, U. of Cen. Florida
A USDOT funded research center, focused on plug-in electric vehicles and the transportation network.
Stanford University
Center for Automotive Research at Stanford
Upcoming Events
CARS, Stanf. U.
Mineta Transp. Institute
San José State University

Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)
“Creating Transportation Policy for the People”
PRT ReportAutomated Transit Networks (ATN): A Review of the State of the Industry and Prospects for the Future  (pdf  240 pp)
Mineta National Transit Research Consortium
Mineta Nat'l Transit Res. Cons.
“About page” (links to all nine member universities at bottom of page)
University Transportation Centers (UTCs handle academic research for the DoT)
Trafficware University
“The intersection of Knowledge, Ideas & Implementation”
Trafficware University
Knowledge Base
“… think-tank that shapes public debate on critical multimodal transportation issues …”
Transportation Weekly
Contact Page
Paid Membership

Independent Contractors / Consultants
Maglev Strategies
“On Earth and In Space”
Maglev Strategies
“Advanced Transportation Consulting”
Contact Page
Recommended article
MagLev Page
PRT Consulting
“Efficient transit solutions”
PRT Consulting
… dedicated to expanding and supporting a clean transportation industry …
Sign up for emails and info.
Engineering Systems Inc.
Insight Driven Solutions
Gladstein, Neandross & Associates
Gladstein, Neandross & Associates
“Clean Transportation and Energy Consultants”
Contact Page
American Center for Mobility
“Connected.  Automated.  Validated.”
American Center for Mobility
Morgan and Associates
Registered Patent Agents

We have not vetted the above consultants.
If you have any concerns, please give us feedback.

Incubator / Test Facility
South Carolina Technology and Aviation Center
International Transportation Innovation Center
“Innovation on Track”
Int'l Transp. Innov. Cen
Transp. Res. Cen
Transportation Research Center, Inc.
“Largest … test facility … in the U.S.”
Newsletter sign‑up
East Liberty, OH

Investment Opportunities
Clean-Energy Investment Opportunities
Newsletter-subscription link

Interactive Modeling Software
COMSOL   Modeling and Simulation for Everyone
COMSOL MultiPhysics
“… for Physics-Based Modeling and Simulation”

“National Transportation Systems Center”
List of Newsletters
Dept. of Transportation Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) solicitation DoT SBIR
DoE SBIR Dept. of Energy Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) solicitation
Solicitation is CLOSED
Sat, 2022 May.21
Search for avail. Grants
DOE Phase‑0 Program for first‑time applicants
Dept. of Defense Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) topics are OPEN.
Technical help (not related to a specific topic) from DSIP FAQ here; if you need more help, then e‑mail.
Air Force
Additional Air Force Material
Now’s the time to do business with the Air Force
Video:  Doing business at the speed of startups: Harnessing small business to bring new tech. ideas to USAF (4:00)
Air Force Pitch-Day Events
Def. of SBIR
Def. of STTR
BBC Entrepeneurial Traning & Consulting BBC Entrepeneurial Traning & Consulting
BBCetc & how we can help [Vimeo (3:04)]
SBIR/STTR Assessment Form (FREE)
On-demand Webinars (Either free or $25)
TRB’s IDEA Programs Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis
Brochure (pdf)
Highway (NCHRP) IDEA (due Mar. 3 and Sep. 2)
Highway Annual Report
Transit IDEA (due May.1)
Transit Annual Report
Submit a Proposal
Funding Notice

Older DoT reports on the Future of Transportation
Obama-era reports that had been subject to public comment
Beyond Traffic 2045
Beyond Traffic 2045
Five-year Transit Research Plan

Previous events:

Spreadsheets for Events in:      
    2014       2015       2016    
    2017       2018       2019    
    2020       2021 – 23    

Click here for table of other event calendars, in a new tab or window.

Contact us to request Additions and Corrections

This webpage was “spun off” from:

LeviCar Logo
Group-C Competition & Critiques
Click here for a list of other innovative transportation systems

Text and links last updated:  2022 January 275
Code last updated:  2021 October 9

Partial Update History
2021/03/18 — Updated "LinkMagic" for new hosting
2021/01/21 — Changed the Newsletter Form
2020/09/20 — Links to most-recent Newsletter, List of
                          Newsletters; and Subscription form
2020/08/20 — Links to 2 most-recent Newsletters
2020/08/03 — Directory of Event Listings always appears
2019/05/21 — Added TARDDIS Beta Link
2019/05/02 — New version of T.A.R.D.D.I.S.
2018/11/22 — Semi-automated SAE CEU Course listings
2018/09/16 — New form to sign up for newsletter
2018/09/11 — Adds % codes to Mailto:s
2018/09/03 — Added link to Newsletter
2018/08/23 — Added GUIDE and accessible e-mail link
2018/06/23 — Made it easier to change column format
2018/03/11 — Added Click to get "Frag-Tag"
2018/02/15 — New format for Spreadsheet Links
2018/01/18 — Starting adding Source Symbols
2017/12/25 — Added SAE CEU Courses
2017/11/03 — Started adding more webinars
2017/10/11 — Fully integrated "TARDDIS"
2017/08/31 — Enabled Alternate Column Format
2017/04/14 — "LinkMagic" changed for "internal" hyperlinks
2017/02/14 — Rearranged "Associations"
2016/10/29 — Reformatted Upcoming Events
2016/10/20 — Removed fraudulent events from WASET
2016/10/05 — Dates in Bold when event is Current
2016/09/06 — Added links to other Event Calendars
2015/11/19 — Rearranged columns for New Format
2015/08/30 — NEW FORMAT
2015/08/23 — Added Fragment Tags (#hashtag) & Mouseovers
2015/07/29 — Added labels for Newly added Events
2015/07/22 — Added SBIR events
2015/07/03 — Added COMSOL
2015/06/06 — Links to Event Spreadsheets
2015/06/02 — New Mobile version "mgogo"
2015/04/27 — Link to Indiegogo
2015/04/15 — New block for Beyond 2045
2015/03/23 — Updated program code
2015/02/22 — Corrected bottom for Mobile Verison
2015/02/16 — Added Contact Info for Upcoming
2015/02/11 — Works for Mobile
2015/02/04 — Spun Off From Levicar.Com
Copyright © 2003‑2021 Joshua Zev Levin, Ph.D.,
including LeviCar logos,
but excluding other graphics and
pictures derived from other sources.
Disclaimers:              External Links are for information only,
and LeviCar is not responsible for these links or their content.
The original copyright owners retain all rights to their content.
Unless specifically noted, no advertising fees have been paid,
nor considerations made, other than mutual links.
Important links: (See Disclaimers to the left)

Contact:     Phone: 631-463-5416
Feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions.